Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry Core

Overview of Services

The Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry Laboratory (SIBL) is a Shared Analytical Resource in the Doerr School of Sustainability at Stanford University. SIBL provides analytical facilities and technical expertise for the measurement of stable isotope ratios (including C, N, O, and H) at natural abundance levels in a variety of materials, including from marine/aquatic and terrestrial environments. Presently, SIBL has six isotope ratio mass spectrometers (IRMS) and three cavity ring-down spectrometers (CRDS). Four IRMS are housed in Mitchell Earth Sciences (Rooms A01 & A08), while two IRMS and three CRDS are located in Green Earth Sciences (Rooms 332 & 334). SIBL is overseen by co-directors Professor C. Page Chamberlain of the Earth and Planetary Sciences and Professors Karen Casciotti and Robert Dunbar of the Oceans Department. Operation and management of the laboratory is the responsibility of science staff members Jen Karolewski, Dave Mucciarone, and Julie Weitzman.

For scheduling and access to the laboratory and its instruments please contact one of these laboratory managers as follows:

Jen Karolewski: For research related to samples N and O in nitrous oxide, nitrate, and nitrite

Dave Mucciarone: For research related to samples from marine/aquatic environments for isotopes, concentrations, total alkalinity, and/or total dissolved inorganic carbon

Julie Weitzman: For research related to samples from terrestrial environments                                                                                                                                                                        


Karen Casciotti co-Director (650) 721-5545
Page Chamberlain co-Director (650) 725-6835
Robert Dunbar co-Director (650) 725-6830

Location and hours of operation

Hours Location

24hrs/5 days
Monday - Friday

Mitchell Earth Sci Bldg
397 Panama Mall
Sub-basement, Rooms A01 & A08
Stanford, CA 94305

Green Earth Sci Bldg
367 Panama Mall
3rd Floor, Rooms 332 & 334
Stanford, CA 94305

Links and Resources


Publication Acknowledgement 

In accordance with Dean's office policy: If work done with SIBL produces data used in a publication, you must acknowledge the lab in the publication as: Stanford Stable Isotope Biogeochemistry Laboratory Core Facility (RRID:SCR_023253). Further, if SIBL staff provide significant experimental design, data interpretation, or other intellectual contribution (as evaluated by the PI), then it is expected that these individuals will be coauthors on the publication.


Name Role Phone Email Location
Jen Karolewski
Lab Manager - N and O in Nitrous Oxide/Nitrate/Nitrite
(650) 724-6658
Y2E2 B59
David Mucciarone
Lab Manager - Marine/Aquatic
(650) 723-0817
Green 331
Julie Weitzman
Lab Manager - Terrestrial
(650) 723-1769
Mitchell A78