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Stanford MicroCT Facility (MCT)

Overview of Services

The Stanford MicroCT Facility (MCT) is a Shared Analytical Resouce in the Doerr School of Sustainability at Stanford University. The MCT can supply nondestructive, high-resolution 3D images of internal structures of a broad variety of natural and engineered materials.

The MCT currently offers the following equipment for researchers to reserve:

  • TESCAN UniTOM HR - microCT system that can collect high-resolution, 3D images of samples nondestructively
  • Post-Processing Workstation - workstation that can handle most visualization and general data processing needs of microCT users


Doug Meisenheimer MCT Lab Manager
Ayla Pamukcu MCT Lab PI


Location and hours of operation

Hours Location

9AM - 5PM
Monday - Friday

Green Earth Sciences, Room 032
367 Panama St. 
Stanford, CA 94305


Links and Resources

  1. Lab Website:


Name Role Phone Email Location
Doug Meisenheimer

Ayla Pamukcu