On Saturday April 5, 2025 at 7:00AM (UTC), maintenance has been scheduled for iLab Stanford. Maintenance is planned for 4 hours and during this time, there is a intermittent server downtime of 30 minutes and iLab site will be unavailable. Details and updates can be found on the Agilent Status Page

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In vitro BSL3 Laboratory

Overview of Services

 The In vitro BSL3 service center consists of a Virology BSL3 lab, a separate BSL3 Bacteriology lab, and a support BSL2 plus lab.  All work is in-vitro work only. It is operated by the School of Medicine as a scientific service center and is open to all Stanford researchers after adequate training. 


Stanford University, School of Medicine

William M. Keck Science Building, Rm #383

380 Roth Way, Stanford, CA 94305-4401 

Shipping Address:

Attention: In Vitro BSL3 Service Center

Stanford University 
Stanford, CA, 94305


Links and Resources

 Stanford BSL-3 Website:

Getting Started

Contact Jaishree Garhyan ( for training and core-service related queries. For training and thereby working in the BSL-3 or BSL-2 plus laboratory, a trainee must present their APB approval letter.


 ilab Registration:


 iLab  ( Agilent) is  an online system to streamline the process of billing for core service requests. All facility users are invited to use the system, which requires a one-time registration as discussed below. Once you are reigstered, the system will enable you to place service requests, provide required approvals, and monitor progress.


To get started, you must register for an account:

1. In the upper-right-hand corner of the screen, please select the Sign In link

2. You will be directed to an authentication page where you will need to enter your Sunet ID credentials

3. Once you have entered your credentials, click the 'Login' button

4. You will be directed to an iLab Registration page where you will need to select your PI/Lab, and verify your contact information. 

5. Once your registration has been submitted, your PI or financial administrator will receive a notification that you have requested membership to their lab in iLab. They will need to approve your membership and assign any PTAs for your use.


Once you have registered in iLab and logged in, please see our Request Services tab to proceed with your request. 


Stanford EHS Resources


Biosafety Resources:

Other Resources

Publication Acknowledgement

As with all Stanford Service Centers, credit must be given to the BSL3 Service Center for use that results in a publication.

If the work done at the BSL3 Service Center produces data resulting in a figure in a publication, you are required to acknowledge the Stanford In vitro BSL3 Service Center in the publication. Per university policy regarding the shared services, investigators who use the BSL3 are to include the following verbiage in the their manuscript: “We thank the Stanford In vitro BSL3 Service Center and It's Director Jaishree Garhyan for for assistance with this research”

Further, if the BSL3 Director/ staff members provided significant experimental design, data interpretation, or other intellectual contribution (as evaluated by the PI), then it is expected that these individuals will be coauthors on the publication.

If the BSL3 Director/staff members made a significant contribution to a publication such as generating data for a figure, then it is expected that these individuals should have coauthorship (as evaluated by the PI).


Name Role Phone Email Location
Jaishree Garhyan
Keck 383
Liang Li
Financial Manager

Amol Pohane
Keck 383

Available Equipment and Resources

Name Price
