Cryo-EM Facility

Overview of Services


Welcome to the iLabs Reservation Site for the Stanford cEMc (cryo-EM center)! We are a service center focused on cryo-Transmission Electron Microscopy (cryo-TEM) located in the School of Medicine available for all Stanford Researchers, no matter your skill level, department, or School. We are here to support both single particle (SPA) and tomography projects.

Our facility currently houses 2 on campus TEMs, one RT TEM (“The Morgagni”) dedicated to fast screening of negatively stained protein samples, and one cryo TEM (“The Glacios”), a high throughput device equipped with K3 Direct Detector for SPA and Tomography screening of samples, as well as for collecting diagnostic small data sets. Prep equipment available includes a Vitrobot, Leica GP plunge freezer, Negative Stain Bench, and glow discharge. We currently manage a CryoFIB-SEM ("Aquilos2"), which is fully operational with cryoCLEM capabilities.

UPDATE: We have one Glacios (200kV) , one vitrobot and one clipping station at ChemH which users can reserve based on availability. Please reach out to Haoqing for the same. 

Our facility also manages 2 High-End Krios (TEM1 and TEM4) TEMs located on SLAC campus, accesible to users of the Glacios and other equipment.

If you would like to consult with us about the feasibility of a project for cryo TEM, please contact Bharti Singal at the address below. If you are interested in training, please click on the ‘Request Services’ tab, please Register and then ‘Request Training’ - please also send an email request to Bharti Singal.

USER Definition and guidance: All users must be authorized as either a “basic user” or “expert user” before reserving time on the Glacios, and as “basic user” on other pieces of equipment.

  • New Users must be trained by facility staff before becoming eligible to book as a “basic user”.
  • Basic Users are limited to day time slots. Overnight slots/Monday slots are available upon request, but must be coordinated with facility staff. Potential hourly staff rates may be incurred. 
  • Super Users may reserve day time, evening or weekend/Monday slots. Super users must be certified by the Service Center Operations Director. 



Professor Axel Brunger PhD, Executive Director Interim

William Arnold, PhD, Cryo-EM Scientific Manager



Bharti Singal PhD, CryoEM Staff Scientist (bsingal at stanford dot edu)

Haoqing Wang PhD, CryoEM Staff Scientist

David Fernandez-Martinez PhD, CryoEM Staff Scientist

Christopher Haley PhD, Computational Resources and Data Management Specialist


Location and hours of operation


Hours Location

Staff Hours: Mon-Fri 9am-5pm

Self-Op Availability: 24/ 7                     

Cryo-EM Facility
299 Campus Drive West
Fairchild Building D045

Publication Acknowledgement

As per the Dean's office policy, if data from your work with cEMC (Cryo-electron Microscopy Center) ends up in a publication, it's essential to acknowledge "Stanford University Cryo-electron Microscopy Center (cEMC)" in that publication. Additionally, if the cEMC staff significantly contribute to experimental design, data interpretation, or provide intellectual input, as determined by the guidelines evaluated by the PI, they should be listed as coauthors of the publication. 

Links and Resources


