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Cell Sciences Imaging Facility: Beckman Center


Overview of Services


 Welcome to the Cell Sciences Imaging Facility at the Beckman Center

The Cell Sciences Imaging Facility (CSIF) is a University service center that provides high resolution, state-of-the-art technologies for imaging and analyzing the molecular and structural organization of cells, tissue and bioengineered materials.  The CSIF operates two sites at Stanford University: The CSIF at Beckman Center and the CSIF at Shriram Center.  Both locations are open to all members of the Stanford community as well as to external academic and industry researchers (with approval).  You are on the CSIF's Beckman iLabs Solutions site.

The CSIF at Beckman houses both light and electron microscopy services. Light microscopy systems: Upright and inverted confocal laser scanning systems :Zeiss LSM880, AiryScan FAST; Leica SP8 gated-HyD, resonant, Lightning; upright LEICA Stellaris 8 DIVE (with long working distance immersion lens, tunable multiphoton laser), Zeiss Elyra7 lattice SIM, Nikon Eclipse Ti2-e motorized widefield and OMX SIM (TIRF) are accessible by users Widefield Nikon Eclipse for high resolution fluorescent and brightfield slide scanning with JOBS module.  FESEM and TEM are available in our full service EM facility. Quick links to the microscopes scheduling calenders are below.    

The CSIF at Shriram provides access to and training on fluorescence and transmitted light microscopy including: laser scanning spectral confocal with AiryScan, multi-photon imaging (Zeiss LSM780, AiryScan, DeepSee), spinning disk confocal microscope with TIRF and photo-activation capabilities (Nikon SDC), FLIM (BH Simple Tau), Lattice lightsheet (Zeiss LLS7), Lightsheet (Bruker TrueLive) and widefield (epi-fluorescence, Zeiss AxioImager) microscopes.

The CSIF at WuTsai make available instruments geared with neuroscience imaging in mind: laser scanning confocal microscopes with Airyscan2(Zeiss 980+, Zeiss LSM980), LaVision lightsheet, Bruker/Prairie multiphoton rig, motorized Zeiss AxioImager, and Stellaromics Plexa Spatial Sequencer.

Electron Microscopy Core (EMC)

The CSIF-EMC is a full service lab providing access to and training on transmission (TEM) and scanning (SEM) electron technologies as well as sample preparation, immuno-histochemitry staining, room temperature electron tomography, serial-section SEM, EM imaging and documentation.

Fluorescence Microscopy Core (FMC)

The CSIF-FMC provides access to and training on high end fluorescent microscopes on an hourly fee basis. Current microscope technologies include super resolution (SIM, TIRF), laser scanning and spinning disk confocal, multi-photon, FLIM, TIRF and widefield deconvolution. Advance data processing workstations are housed here with:  Imaris, Huygens, and Python-oriented open source Napari/Cellpose/CellProfiler/QuPath/Matlab -- GPU-supported open source options available in-person and remote-accessible.

Multiplexing Core (MPC)

Full-service codex multiplexing personnel provides service using Akoya Phenocycler-Fusion2.0.  Workstations with advanced data processing available: Visiopharm, Fiji are GPU-supported options on the workstations here.

Neuroscience Core (NSC)

Serving the needs tailored toward neuroscience-imaging specific use, include animal-preparation room uniquely available at this location.




The CSIF (RRID:SCR_017787) is a member of and is supported by:

      The Beckman Center, Stanford Cancer Institute and BioX


Getting Started

  • Stanford Users:  LOGIN or REGISTER for an iLab account using valid Stanford credentials (SUNet ID).


Jon Mulholland | CSIF Co-Director

Office (B062C):  (650) 725-7532

Lab    (B050):  (650) 723-2449

Email:  jwm at


Gordon Wang | CSIF Co-Director

Office/Lab    (B050):  (650) 723-8818

Email:  drwonder at



Name Role Phone 1(650) Email  Location
Gordon Wang CSIF Co-Director 723-8818 drwonder at WuTsai E152
Jon Mulholland     CSIF Co-Director 725-7532  jwm at Beckman B050A ,B051 Shriram B023 C
John Perrino EM Lab Manager - TEM   723-3462 jperrino at
Beckman B001
Kitty Lee

CSIF Facility Manager,

Light Microscopy Specialist - Confocals

723-2449  kamanl at Beckman B050B
Yuanyuan Li Senior Multi-omics Imaging Specialist - Phenocycler 723-9925 yuanyli at Beckman B005
Yili Zhu Multi-omics Imaging Specialist - Phenocycler 723-9925 yilizhu at Beckman B005
David Lenzi Shriram Manager 724-8442 dlenzi at

Shriram B023




Cell Sciences Imaging Facility

Stanford University Medical Center

Beckman Center B050, B005 (FMC)

Beckman Center B001, B005, B050C, B051 (EMC, ATC)

Stanford, CA 94305-5330

8 a.m. - 5 p.m., Monday to Friday  

24/7 access for trained users



Reservation Calendars Quick Links

    Publication Acknowledgement 

As with all Stanford Service Centers, credit must be given to Cell Sciences Imaging Facility for data that results in a publication. If the work done at Cell Sciences Imaging Facility produces data resulting in a figure in a publication, you are required to acknowledge Cell Sciences Imaging Facility in the publication. Further, if Cell Sciences Imaging Facility staff members provided significant experimental design, data interpretation, or other intellectual contribution (as evaluated by the PI), then it is expected that these individuals will be coauthors on the publication.

Proper Citation: Stanford University Cell Sciences Imaging Core Facility (RRID:SCR_017787)

Additionally almost all of the CSIF's microscopes were obtained via NIH instrumentation grants and therefore require proper acknowmedgement. Please see the required NIH citation information included on the microscope's description page or contact the CSIF director.


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Name Role Phone Email Location
Jon Mulholland
jwm at
John Perrino
EM Lab Manager
jperrino at
Kitty Lee
Facility Manager
kamanl at
David Lenzi
Shriram Manager
dlenzi at
Shriram B023
Yuanyuan Li
Senior Multi-omics Specialist
Yili Zhu
Multi-omics Specialist
Gordon Wang
WuTsai E152

Instrumentation, Services, & Training Price List

Search available services: View: by category alphabetically
Array Tomography (ATC) Services (1)
CODEX services (1)
EMC Equipment Fees (9)
EMC Services (20)
EMC Training (2)
Electron Microscopy Center (EMC) Microscopes (4)
FMC Microscopes (4)
FMC Services and Training (3)
FMC supplies (8)

Available Equipment and Resources

Array Tomography (ATC) Equipment (1)
Electron Microscope Core (EMC): Equipment (10)
Electron Microscope Core (EMC): Microscopes (4)
Fluorescence Microscope Core (FMC): Microscopes/Equipment (9)